Whether you’re carrying your gear to the track or the trail, the going can sometimes be too rough for a wheeled gear bag. For these instances it’s nice to have a bag you can throw over your shoulder, yet still carry everything you need. This is where the Ogio Dozer 8600 excels.
At 9100 cubic inches (140 L), the Ogio Dozer 8600 is the biggest non-wheeled gear bag that Ogio produces. This huge capacity means that you have more than enough room to carry a complete set of gear and still have a lot of room to spare. The main compartment is absolutely cavernous and features large, side-access pocket that opens into it. This pocket allows you to keep a pair of muddy boots from getting the rest of your gear dirty, store your helmet separately, or just keep things organized – it all depends on how you want to use it. There are also large screened in vents at the top of each corner that let moisture escape and help keep your gear from turning into something that resembles or smells like a science experiment after a ride.
Carrying a fully-loaded gear bag can be tough if it is poorly designed, but that isn’t the case with the Ogio Dozer 8600. The sling-style shoulder strap is fully adjustable, thoroughly padded and distributes the weight well. This strap is removable and clips on with heavy-duty hardware. The 8600 also has a lengthy, duffle-style set of handles on top and a shorter handle on each end. These all make it an easy bag to transport and move around in the back of a car, truck, or trailer when you’re packing everything up at the end of a long day of riding.
In terms of the construction, the Dozer 8600 is well thought out and built to last. Ogio built the 8600 using heavy material that can withstand rips, tears and just about anything you can throw at it. It will also keep your gear safe, thanks to the the iFOM (integrated foam) panels that add padding throughout the bag. The base is reinforced with a waterproof second layer so that you don’t have to worry about setting it down on wet ground. Heavy-duty stitching holds everything together, including the straps and handles.
If you’re interested in the Ogio Dozer 8600, or any other Ogio bag for that matter, just get in touch with us by calling 866.931.6644. You can also feel free to contact us by sending an email to SUPPORT at RIDERSDISCOUNT dot COM and we’ll get back to you right away!
- The Ogio Dozer 8600 is shown here in the F11 graphic. More are available, including Stealth Black, and the usual eye-catching designs that Ogio is known for.

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